Coaching Plans

"Coach in Your Life"
I would be honored to help you Design Your Future. 202-723-2223
As my moto say's "You Can't Make it in Life Without Love & One Can't Make it in the World Without Money & that Means Entrepreneurship." That is important for you to understand in-order for me to Coach you. Please remember I do not want to be a known as a Life Coach but as a "Coach in YOUR Life! It's about your life, not my life.
1) To be successful in anything you must 1st Love Yourself; so that means you must love
2) Then don't let anyone fool you into thinking that you don't need money to succeed. Bibles cost money, non-profits beg for money, the necessities of food, shelter, and clothing all cost money. Without money you can't bless yourself let alone others! Helping Others – A KEY TO Financial Prosperity
3) Journey Of the Broke, Just Over Broke, or where I live, Jump Over the Beltway some call a JOB! Go to school, get good grades and get a good Job with Benefits to live the American Dream. But no one told us the truth that financially the Dream ends up a Nightmare on that system. I want to help set you and your generations to come Financially FREE; through the ONLY way; Free Enterprise or Entrepreneurship.
Are you're willing to be Coachable, Teachable, and Trainable and commit to yourself for a 4 - 5 year journey that will be hard, I can assure you that it will become worth it! Think of it as college, you are investing in your future, but able to make money along the way as you grow. Yet when you graduate you have no loans, but live on the other side of money!
"Coach Daddy CEO"